Iced Mint Tea

Iced Mint Tea

8 cups (serving size: 1 cup)

Iced mint tea, made with spearmint, is the traditional drink of Morocco and North Africa. To infuse the tea with the most mint flavor, refrigerate with the mint sprigs. But if you prefer a lighter mint taste, let the sprigs steep for 5 minutes.

How to Make It

Combine water and tea in a medium bowl; cover and steep 2 1/2 minutes. Strain tea mixture through a fine sieve into a bowl, and discard tea leaves. Add mint; steep 5 minutes. Add sugar; stir until sugar dissolves. Cool completely. Serve over ice.

Chef's Notes

A few leaves of fresh or dried lemon verbena add a lovely citrus flavor. Be sure to use Chinese green tea, such as Gunpowder Green, Young Hyson, or Formosa Oolong.


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