How to increase height for a obese teenager boy of 16 years without exercise?

There are a lot of concerns regarding the body image in adolescents.

Adolescence is a stage in the life of a person, when a series of rapid changes in the physical, sexual and psychological fronts herald a transition from preadolescence to full adulthood. This may span a period of seven years from 11 to 18 years of age.Though there may be a year or two of difference in real life.

In girls the adolescent growth usually ceases by the 16th or 17th year of age. In those attaining menarche or first menses late, it may be a little later . In boys the first ejaculation.
The linear growth in humans is made possible by the growth plates or layers of cartilage at the growing ends of long bones, multiplying and transforming to bone tissue. This increase in the activity of these cartilage growth plates are controlled by the growth hormones of the pituitary gland. At the same time the sex hormone levels also increase to produce rapid perceptible changes in the secondary sexual features like development of the breasts in females, in addition to basic maturation of testes and ovaries, functionally and morphologically.

Psychological changes and behavioral uncertainties are a standard component of this transitional stage to full adulthood.

Now 16 yrs of age is not exactly the age at which the height of a person ceases to increase in absolute terms.

So let us wait for 2 more years to see how much more height you add on and then let us see.
In the mean time avoid junk food, less of social media the better. Concentrate on studies.You can expect that you are much more mature by then.
Have a wonderful adolescence.

If you have grown to your natural height, you can't do anything. Compare with the height of you parents and cousins.

But many people with stunted growth can grow again even up to 30 years age.

  • Sleep well. Sleep very early too. This is very important. Our body grows when we sleep. If you don't sleep properly then you won't grow. You can sleep by 9 pm and wake up at 6 am.
  • Eat natural, good food. Eat nutrient rich fruits, raw vegetables, nuts, pulses, eggs etc. Lack of good nutrients too stunts our growth. Take nutritional supplements and amino acids if required
  • Search exercises for height growth. Do those. Avoid lifting weights and such things. Do exercises that stretch your back, straighten your spine. Hang on to a rod or rings and swing from side to side. Do these Yoga asanas: matsya-asana, ushtra-asana, hala-asana, sarvanga-asana. They will stimulate your thyroid gland
  • You can also meditate and undergo self-hypnosis. In a state of meditation imagine that you are growing, that your bones and muscles are lengthening, the bones in your legs, arms, your spine, neck etc. This will help a lot.

Below is a summary of what I found on various sources on the Internet that may help you

Factors that influence a Person’s final Height

Genetics -

They are inherited from your parents and influence your growth to the tune of

60% to 80% and therefore your parents’ height are indicators of the height you will reach. One formulae is add your parent’s heights add 5″ for males (deduct 5″ for females) then divide by 2 and that is your approx. height. Though that can vary from individual to individual.

Gender –

Males can grow until around 20/21 and Females growth usually finishes around 2 years after their periods begin and normally finish around 14 or 15 (though some say up to 16/17)

Environment -

social setting, culture and climate have some bearing but the % may not be significant.

Hormones –

HGH – Human Growth Hormone secreted in the Pituitary gland within the Brain and that is what drives your growth


Too much Fat affects the release of HGH – so try to keep you Fat consumption down

Eat foods rich in Proteins, calcium for bone strength, vitamins and mineral, phosphorous and magnesium

Don’t skip meals – your body needs regular fuel to grow

Foods to stimulate the Pituitary Gland are:- Guava, turnip, carrots, spinach, grapes.


Get plenty of sleep – 8 hours is ideal for during sleep HGH is secreted

Water -

Drink a glass of water when you get up in the morning and 4 – 6 glasses of water a day – it aids digestion and absorption of foods and vitamins.


- Practice breathing properly and deeply for that promotes blood flow and stimulate HGH

Physical activity

stimulates HGH – sport/aerobic exercise helps blood circulation and HGH. It stretches the body and strengthens the spine and legs and helps growth


- Stand tall and don’t slouch and maintain good posture and don’t crouch in bed - lie straight for it helps the spine

So whatever your height is at the moment the above suggestions will help you reach your optimal height.

Good Luck!!!!!

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